IELTS listening summary completion

IELTS Listening Summary Completion

In this article, you will understand about:

  • IELTS listening summary completion
  • IELTS listening summary completion tips
  • Strategies to solve summary completion in IELTS listening

IELTS listening summary completion

In the summary completion, it is your task to fill up the missed words and present a complete summary to the examiner. In short, to fill up the gap of the particular missed words with correct words is summary completion.

IELTS listening summary completion tips

IELTS Listening summary completion will help you to understand and boost your energy for taking high scores in the listening module. These are:

  • Firstly, you should read instructions of the answer booklet carefully. The limitation of words is also mentioned in the test.
  • Keep it in your mind that in every question you are allowed for seeking the given guidelines.
  • Attempting all questions is compulsory in the IELTS listening test. You should answer the entire questions.
  • 20 to 30 seconds are given to you before the next recording; you can skim summary too quickly.
  • You need to find out those keywords which are said repeatedly in the recordings.
  • Search for the best words which you will need to use such as Adjective, Noun, Verb and Adverb.
  • While listening to the recordings, don’t distract your attention to the accent. Just pay attention on the words of the speaker in the audio.
  • Try to take help from synonyms in finding the answer.
  • You can easily answer the examiner’s questions by focusing on the main points.
  • Keep thinking that which one is suitable in that gap in the summary.
  • It’s up to you that what type of information you will guess in the recordings and pick the most important words.
  • To make notes in the listening test is crucial for those candidates whose want to take highest bands in the listening test.
  • Remember, ILETS listening test is although same for both types of candidate but listening test is not easy.
  • Check your spellings because your wrong spellings / spelling mistakes are the reasons of reducing marks in the listening test.

Strategies to solve summary completing in IELTS listening

There are following most important strategies which are fruitful for you in solving the question of IELTS listening summary completion:

The instructions read carefully

After reading the instructions, you should answer the questions one by one.  Remember, to follow the limit of required words is necessary. When you will cross the boundary of words, you lose marks even your answer is grammatically right or well structured.

Highlight the keywords

It is the best idea to read the summary or highlight the main words at that time. After mentioning keywords, you can easily find out the right answers.

Try to predict the answer

This strategy will help you in reading the questions. You need to predict or try to search those words which are suitable in the gaps. These words might be in the form of noun, adjective, adverb or verb. Through active listening, you can search those words which are more relevant to the question.

Use synonyms or paraphrasing

In IELTS listening test, summary completion is all about paraphrasing or synonyms.

Be aware of distractions

A simply word or phrase that change the sense of the meaning is called detractor. Be careful, when speaker uses this technique to confuse you in the recordings. Sometimes, ‘but’, however and moreover are used to distract you in the test.

Transfer the answers accurately

Remember, it is not enough to give correct answers on the question paper, but to put accurate answers to the answer sheet plays a vital role in your success. After completing the recording time, you are given 10 more minutes to transfer the answers to the answer sheet. Be careful, and try to reduce all those words which are not essential or cross your limit of words.

Moreover, during the transfer of answers, write exact spellings because such mistakes can take your marks.

For detailed understanding of IELTS listening module, read my article IELTS listening guide and strategies and take your listening skills to a greater level.

FAQs – IELTS Listening Summary Completion

In IELTS listening test, synonyms, paraphrasing, understanding accent and pronunciation, and focus are tested.

You can listen to recordings only at once. Because IELTS listening test contains 40 questions which are further divided into 4 recording sections. Keep it in your mind, all questions are asked in the native English.

No, IELTS listening test does not mark negative. It is better thing for you to answer the question which you thought very close. Don’t skip or lose blank space in the test, you can lose marks by doing so.

The recordings can be taken from dialogues, conversations or lectures of university. The questions consist of everyday activity or any social context in the test.

Reading the summary and taking overall idea to understand the recordings are the good ways to identify the examiner’s question. You must read all instructions which are given about the test.

Yes, you should read the questions before listening to the audio.

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