IELTS listening Table Completion

IELTS Listening Table Completion

You will learn about: IELTS Listening Table

IELTS listening table completion question intro

It is the most common type in the IELTS listening question. IELTS listening table completion question can be found in 1 to 4 recording sections. Table completion contains gap filled questions which involve to fill up all missing words.

IELTS listening table is prepared in the form of rows and columns which are consisted on all patent information. You should pay attention to the number of required words in answers of the test.

How to answer IELTS listening completion?

In IELTS listening table completion question, you must be preplanned, or prepared yourself for every unexpected question. You need to do practice by following most important steps given below:

Read particular information

Like other tests, IELTS listening test also demands you to read and point out specific information which you give to the examiner through correct answer. Read before being played the next recording, and achieve all that particular information that you think is most relevant.

20 to 30 seconds are enough to read and get particular information identifying all main words essential for you. This step will help you to achieve marks all you wish.

Attentively listen to the audio

In the listening test, there is one opportunity to listen to the recordings. You must be aware that the recordings are played only once no for the second time. But you should listen to the other (Australian, American, New Zealand and British) accents to get high bands in the IELTS listening test. Concentration and attentive listening to the recordings are the key factors to understand the test completely.

Note down the keywords

This part is the most important and plays a vital role in the listening test. You need to identify most relevant and accurate information and note down the main words. Understanding synonyms leads you to perform better in IELTS listening table completion.

Update the missing words

After noting down the main words, you need to focus the passage/ paragraph again through intensive reading. Through proofreading, it will be very easy for you to find out all missing words in the given test.  To make answer impressive, check out Grammar, Spellings, and Sentence structure completely.

Be accurate

Be sure to be accurate. It seems a little tough to take good bands in the tests because some candidates make minor mistakes of grammar and spelling. It is very important to be accurate, when you are writing answers to the answer sheet.

Remember, someone else is reading or judging answers. For this purpose, you should write all capital letters and keep answer sheet neat and clean.

IELTS listening table completion tips and strategy

  • Listen to the recordings carefully, because you can listen them once.
  • Instructions are most important before answering the question, so you must read the instructions.
  • You should highlight all particular words.
  • Read the entire questions, and answer them carefully.
  • Note down keywords and read when you are going to give answer.
  • Use synonyms in the table completion question.
  • Take note of numbers & words that are being highlighted in the listening test.
  • To read headings or subheadings, you can easily understand that what you need to listen.
  • Don’t skip any gap or missing word which is not fixing by you in the table completion test.
  • Analyze question and make table in the form of rows and columns.
  • Be focused on the spelling, because spelling errors must count in the test.
  • Don’t lose your marks to the distractors.
  • It is extremely important to spend 10 minutes properly to transfer answers to the answer sheet.
  • If you are confused at any question, don’t worry you can guess the answer.

FAQs about listening table completion

It is the most important type of IELTS listening. In this type, your task is to fill up the gap of the missing words in the table.

To get high scores 8 or 8.5, you need to follow these tips:

  • Know the test type and structure completely.
  • To answer the whole question is most compulsory.
  • Listen to all the recordings with full concentration.
  • Don’t be afraid. Be focused on the listening test.
  • Be enough friendly in front of the examiner.
  • You must be careful from distracters or confused words. In this case, IELTS listening vocabulary plays a significant role.
  • Try to find out alternative words instead of exact words.

There are several important IELTS listening question types which can help you to understand it completely. These are:

  • Summary completion question
  • Sentence completion question
  • Matching questions
  • Map and plan labeling
  • Table completion question
  • Flowchart question
  • Short answer question

It is not impossible in the IELTS listening test. Many candidates have taken full marks in the test. But for taking 9 bands, you must prepare yourself for other accents like American, Australians, Canadian and British properly.  You need to enhance vocabulary and accuracy of spelling and sentence structure.

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