IELTS Listening Matching Question

IELTS Listening Matching Question

In this article, you will know about:

  • IELTS listening matching question introduction
  • How to answer IELTS listening matching questions?
  • IELTS listening matching question strategies
  • Tips before you listen
  • Tips while you listen

IELTS listening matching question introduction

In the IELTS listening matching question, you listen to a section of audio recordings and match it with a list of items from the questions to particular options which are given to you by the examiner. Each correct answer takes 1 mark in the listening test. Remember, IELTS listening matching question comes in 1st or 3rd section. You can take this test on paper in paper based test or on computer in computer based test.

How to answer IELTS listening matching question?

Read the question

In IELTS listening, you should read the questions first by pointing out the main content words having major information. Overall, you are given 40 minutes for IELTS listening module. 30 minutes are for answering the questions and 10 minutes to put answers to the final IELTS listening answer sheet. You need to save time wisely, and read all the information which you think is patent according to the questions.

Underline the keywords

While reading the questions, you need to underline those words which are most important and are called keywords. Keywords are used to clutch attention of the listener in the recording section. Remember information that you take is needed to match in the features, names, places and dates.

By highlighting the keywords, it becomes easy for you to pick the right answers.

Use of synonyms

After underlining the keywords, you should focus on synonyms. Mostly, exact words are not used in the recording, rather synonyms are used. So, have mastery in synonyms to perform well in the listening module.

Make a chart

Now, you should pay proper attention to listen to the recordings. Keep it in your mind that you can listen to these recordings only once. Grab the information and put answers according to the provided information in the test.

Make a use of lexical resources (vocabulary)

Make use of lexical resources in the listening test.  Strong vocabulary plays a crucial role to understand the listening module.

Listen to the audio

Listen all the recordings carefully. You cannot listen recordings more than one. By active listening, you can get high bands, as concentration is the base of your success.

IELTS listening matching question strategies

Following IELTS listening strategies will help you to understand the matching question completely:

Analyze the question

Remember, before solving any question completely, your focal point is to analyze the question. Although, the question matching can be the reason of being confused in some other questions like map, diagram and multiple choices questions, therefore you need to analyze the question first.

Follow the order of questions

In the listening test, questions and answers are given to you in a particular order. This strategy requires you to answer the questions in a given series or list.  If you give answer in the question 1 and then 2 it is right, but when you solve question 1 and immediately question 5, it is not considered good.

Do not commit spelling mistakes in transferring answers

You are given 30 minutes to write answers, and 10 more minutes to put answers to the booklet. Don’t do any minor mistake to transfer answers to the answer sheet. If you do mistake, marks are deducted in the test.

Guess if necessary

The strategy is very important for you not to leave any kind of question unanswered. If you really don’t know about the answer, you can guess it. Remember, in the IELTS test there is no negative marking.

Tips before you listen

Before the test, following tips are considered most important and play a vital role in your success:

  • Read the instructions carefully.
  • Read all the given questions one by one.
  • You are given time to read the question before starting the next audio.
  • By marking keywords and answer options, you can achieve high scores.

Tips while you listen

  • The questions will be asked in the same order as the information is given in the recording.
  • Remember, it is not possible to answer the question more than once.
  • You must listen to the recordings section for picking keywords and specific information.
  • If you have no idea of the given question, you can guess it.
  • Read the blog, IELTS listening guide and strategies for detailed information.

FAQs about IELTS listening matching

No, questions are not repeated. You need to listen to recordings with concentration and then answer them.

It is possible now a days to get 9 bands in the listening test. By practicing all types and sections, you can take 9 bands in the listening test.

You should follow these tips to answer IELTS listening matching questions. These are:

  • Answer all the questions
  • Analyze the question
  • Note down the keywords and phrases
  • Try to give correct answer
  • Listen to the audio recordings carefully

No, there is no chance to listen to the recordings a second time.  You can listen to the recordings only for one time. No more time is given to you to listen to the audio recordings.

You need to solve IELTS listening matching step by step.

  • You should read the question.
  • Highlight all keywords in the test.
  • Use synonyms instead of exact words.
  • Make a well structured chart to make answers effective.
  • Listen to all the recordings section one by one in the listening test.

These tips are crucial for you in the last section of IELTS listening test. These are:

  • Don’t skip any question in the test.
  • Don’t lose concentration, as answer comes after a long gap.
  • Transfer the answers completely and properly.
  • Don’t write answers too quickly.
  • Check for silly mistakes of grammar.
  • Don’t write answer too slowly, otherwise you may miss the next answers.

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