Writing Task 1 Process Diagram Tips

IELTS Writing Task 1 Process Diagram Tips

In the test of IELTS, IELTS academic writing task 1 is a test in which you have to describe a question ranging from different types. IELTS process diagram is one of the question types in IELTS academic writing task 1. In this blog, I will share IELTS writing task 1 process diagram tips that will be very important while attempting the question type of IELTS process diagram or for the preparation of IELTS writing.

Some of the most useful and fruitful tips for IELTS process diagram are given below to guide you more about IELTS writing task 1 process diagram.

Read instructions carefully

Instructions are the directions through which you have to proceed your answer. Instructions guide you about the rules for proceeding an answer in IELTS process diagram.

Summary of Writing Task 1 Process Diagram Tips

Process diagram is a question type of IELTS writing in which you have to describe the process or cycle of any action. Tips for IELTS writing process diagram are very supportive, if you want to improve your writing skills. Read the instructions carefully and analyze the question statement. Follow the structure for answer report and try to avoid mistakes regarding grammar. Strengthen your ability for paraphrasing and building good vocabulary collection for describing process diagram. The word limit for your answer report would be at least 150 words and you have 20 minutes to complete this task.

Analyze the question

Read the question statement and analyze the process diagram in order to understand well about the process that is happening in diagram. Note complete cycle of the diagram and make your understanding well about the diagram, because when you get all about the diagram, you can do your level best in the answer report for IELTS process diagram.

Follow the structure to write an answer report

A structure of an answer report for IELTS process diagram consists of four components. You have to follow this structure to write an answer for IELTS process diagram. These four components are:

  • Introduction
  • Overview
  • Body paragraph 1
  • Body paragraph 2

In introduction, you have to paraphrase the question statement. In case of overview, you need to summarize the overall data of the question of process diagram. In overview, first of all talk about the steps that there are how many steps for the process and which one comes first and so on. In the body paragraph 1 and 2, write an explanation about the features and procedures given in the process diagram.

Make an ability to paraphrase the question statement

First of all, it is required to paraphrase the question statement in terms of writing an introduction paragraph. Paraphrase means to rewrite the text by changing sentence structure and using synonyms of the exact words. So, apply this strategy for paraphrasing and making a good introduction paragraph by using different sentence order and changing the words by their synonyms.

Develop an ability to manage time

There are 20 minutes to complete IELTS writing task 1 process diagram. Manage your time constraint by distributing it in sub portions such as for understanding question, planning answer, writing introduction and overview, body paragraph 1, body paragraph 2 and proofreading the answer.

Apply wide range of vocabulary

In order to write an answer for process diagram, use a wide range of vocabulary. Use different words while writing an answer. Do not repeat same words.

Avoid to add forcing vocabulary

It is also essential to keep in mind that if you have confusion about the word or do not know exact meaning, avoid it to apply in your answer report. Because, if you add forcing vocabulary, it will not raise your bands.

Follow sequence information

The information in IELTS process diagram is given by sequence, because there will a cycle or any procedure of something that will be happening. Therefore, write your answer by following the sequence of the information given in the diagram such as first step, second step, or final stage etc.

If you add information without following the same order, it will drop your bands. Because, if an examiner is confused, he will not award you good scores.

Use simple present tense if there is no mention of time

Some of the candidates face process diagrams in which time is not mentioned in. Therefore, if you face a diagram in which time is not stated, you have to use simple present tense for writing an answer in IELTS process diagram.

Sidestep by grammatical mistakes

When you write an answer report for IELTS process diagram, you have to keep in mind about the grammar and accuracy. Try your best not to make any mistake related to punctuation. Remember to use correct spellings in your answer for IELTS process diagram.

Check word limit

The minimum word limit for IELTS writing task 1 process diagram is 150 words. I must recommend to write 20 to 30 words more; not too much because, there are just 20 minutes to do this task. Check it before finalizing your answer while proofreading.

Make your hand writing understandable

If you are planning to appear physical for IELTS, make sure to write each word understandable. If an examiner is not able to understand your answer, he will not award you good bands.

In a nutshell: IELTS writing task 1 process diagram tips

IELTS writing task 1 process diagram tips are very much supportive for preparation and getting good bands in IELTS writing. Follow above mentioned tips to be successful in IELTS writing. I assure you that these tips will be highly supportive during your preparation.

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