IELTS Speaking Linking Words for Part 3

IELTS Speaking Linking Words for Part 3

Using appropriate linking words is important in part 3, as this part assesses your ability of speaking. Linking words help you to demonstrate your idea in a more cohesive and well-structured way.

Test format of part 3

In IELTS speaking test, there are three parts and part 3 is the final part. In this part, the examiner will ask you a series of abstract questions related to part 2. This part is designed to assess your ability to speak and justify your opinions.

This part also focuses on how you discuss abstract ideas and your ability to join linking words and make conversation more cohesive. Read these articles linking words for IELTS speaking having overall information about connectors used in speaking module and linking words for speaking task 2 for more knowledge about connectors.

Timing of IELTS speaking part 3

Part 3 lasts for 3-4 minutes.

Topics of part 3

The topics of discussion in part 3 are typically societal issues, evaluation of analyzing opinion about part 2, and discussion on abstract concepts. In this part, the examiner may ask to discuss pros and cons of any given subject.

IELTS speaking linking words for part 3

Linking words play an important role in displacing your ideas in a more cohesive way. Without them you cannot present complex structure or complex opinion. Therefore, learn to use linking words and their purpose also. In this article, you will learn about different linking words and also their purpose.

Following IELTS speaking linking words are very important for part 3:

Firstly/First of all

 It is used to introduce the first point of argument.

Secondly, thirdly

‘Secondly’ is used to introduce second point or argument, and ‘thirdly’ for third point.

On the other hand

‘On the other hand’ is used to present an opposing or contrasting viewpoint.

In contrast

It is used to highlight a difference between two ideas or perspectives.


These words are used to draw a comparison or show similarity between two ideas.

In conclusion

This is used to summarize the concept or idea of discussion. You may revise the topic in 3-4 lines as a summary. Whenever, you used “in conclusion” you are signaling that you are reaching at the end of the discussion.

As a result/Consequently/Therefore

‘As a result’, ‘consequently’ and ‘therefore’ are used to show cause-effect relationship or draw a conclusion.

In my opinion/from my perspective

These words help to describe your personal opinion and point of view.

According to

When you want to refer someone’s information, the word “according to” is used.

Another key point is

You will use ‘another key point is’ when you want to describe another relevant information.

Let me give you an example

These words are used when you describe specific information to solidify your point of view.

 In a nut shell

These words are used when you express something briefly or summarize the main point.


These words are used to introduce a different perspective or to take something into account.

Things to avoid: IELTS speaking linking words for part 3

  • Avoid using too many linkingwords in a single sentence or in your response. Overusing linking words will make your speech unnatural and inappropriate.
  • Before using linking words, make sure that you understand their meaning and purpose as well. Using them incorrectly may lead to confusion and it can also convey wrong meaning.
  • Try to use different linking words. Repeating the same linking word may make your speech less engaging and less attractive.
  • Try to use linking words purposefully. Do not use them as filler or take time in your response. Use them purposefully to connect ideas.
  • Use appropriate and formal linking words during conversation. Stay away from using inappropriate and informal linking words
  • Although it is very important to learn and practice using linking words but do not prioritize using them over natural flow of language. When examiner asks a question, don’t use memorized linking words. Use them as a natural language.

What types of questions are asked in IELTS speaking part 3

The questions asked in part 3 can vary; however, here are some frequently asked questions. These are the model questions and examiner will ask according to this pattern.

  1. What are the main factors contributing to …………………………………..?
  2. Discuss the pros and cons of …………………………………..change/changes in the world?
  3. What is your opinion in making ………………………… as a prosperous country?
  4. Do you think………………………………. has more positive or negative effects on society?
  5. Discuss the impact of……………………………… on learning?
  6. What are the challenges and benefits of using ………………………. in ………….. field?
  7. Discuss the role of “Chat gpt” in ………………………?
  8. Do you think that online learning is better than traditional classroom education?

Sample question and answer using linking words

Question: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of social media on society?

Model Answer

Social media has become an integral part of our society, and it has both positive and negative impact on society.

On the positive side, social media helps to develop instant connection with people all across the world. It helps to keep in touch with family and friends; even if they are in different parts of the world. Moreover, social media has become a platform on which every type of information is present. It has played an important in providing a platform for sharing news, knowledge, and raising awareness about important issues. In addition to this, it has become a powerful tool for promoting business and fostering entrepreneurship.

However, there are also drawbacks to consider. One major concern is mental health issues. Many people start comparing their life with those people on social media without knowing their reality. This comparison devastates their lives and mental health. Additionally, excessive use of social media can lead to the issues like lack of focus or lack of consistency as you spend a lot of time on social media.

Privacy is another concern for using social media, as your private information is exploited and misused by the third parties. Last but not the least, it has the potential to spread misinformation and fake news.

In conclusion, social media has revolutionized our lives and also made it easy to access the information we want. But, overusing social media leads to mental health problems.

Conclusion: IELTS speaking linking words for part 3

Using linking words purposefully and naturally makes your conversation effective and appropriate. These words also help you to connect ideas effectively and make your response in a more organized way. Practice their natural use rather than memorizing them. This will have negative effect on your communication.

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