IELTS Reading Summary Completion

IELTS Reading Summary Completion

IELTS reading summary completion is a task of filling blanks. In this article, I’ll guide you about the question type of IELTS reading summary completion. Read the complete article to understand that type of summary completion.

What is IELTS Reading Summary Completion?

Summary completion is a task in which you have to write correct answers from the given paragraph of the test. In IELTS academic reading, you will be given passages along with short passages of filling blanks. It is all about filling blanks according to the above statement given in the test.

The purpose of such a type of task is to analyze the abilities of candidates and how well they understand the text and answer the questions as per our requirement. In other words, I can say, it is a test of synonyms, grasping the main information and paraphrasing the text.


Summary is a short piece of test comprising the whole data of the paragraph. In order to get good band scores, it is important to practice the question type of IELTS reading summary completion. A brief introduction, procedure to solve, tips and an example is given in the blog to learn and earn good bands.

Strategies to counter the question type of IELTS Summary Completion

Some of the points are important to keep in mind while attempting the question type of IELTS summary completion.

  • Do not solve the question without reading the given passage. It is important to read the paragraph first and proceed to attempt the question.
  • Note the keywords in your mind and find out the answer as per the statement.
  • Keep in mind, grammar and vocabulary are also assessed in this task.
  • You are required to write answers in the form of words or by numbers in the blanks.
  • Do not exceed the word limit.
  • Read the heading first, if given.
  • Do not repeat the same word if it is already present in the sentence before or after the blank, because the main target is to find out the missing word.
  • Scanning, identifying keywords and paraphrasing are the important skills to solve IELTS summary completion.

I believe these are the important points to keep in mind while attempting IELTS summary completion question type.

Some of the challenges you can face while answering summary completion question type

These are general challenges faced by most of the aspirants. So, it is good to know these points and be careful in your turn in order to get good band scores in IELTS summary completion.

  • Wasting time in reading is not good as it is time to answer. Practice reading skills and apply to solve the test.
  • Do not waste time using just the exact word in the text, you have to look at synonyms and paraphrasing.
  • Common mistake is about the instructions. They do not read the instructions and get lower bands.
  • Improve your grammar as it is one of the important factors in summary completion question type.
  • Do not consume more time just for one question, if you do, you will waste the time of other questions too.

Nature of the questions in IELTS summary completion

There will be instructions for you to understand what to do and how to do in the beginning. There will be paragraph / paragraphs and you have to read them. After the paragraph, there will be some of the statements and you have to fill them by putting correct word / words according to the given paragraph.

An example of IELTS Summary Completion

IELTS Reading

In a nutshell

IELTS summary completion question type is a question type of IELTS reading and you are assigned to fill in the blanks according to the paragraph given in the test. Some of the strategies and tips are given in the blog, apply and perform best in the exam.

Frequently Asked Questions about IELTS Reading Summary Completion

Summary completion is a one of the question types of IELTS reading. You have to read the passage given in the text and answer the questions according to the given passage / passages.

Read the passage first, proceed to the questions and understand the statement. After that focus on the blanks. Highlight keywords and find your answer and put it down.

IELTS academic reading test

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