IELTS Reading All Types of Questions

IELTS Reading: All Types of Questions

There are four modules of IELTS (International English Language Teaching System). IELTS reading is one of them. Most of the aspirants have quarries about types of questions in IELTS reading. Therefore, in this article, I am here to discuss about IELTS reading all types of questions.

There are 3 lengthy passages in the test of IELTS reading. While these passages are taken from books, articles, newspapers, journals, or from magazines. The time duration for this test is 60 minutes. You have to complete your whole test within time constraint. You will face 40 questions in the test. There are 14 different types of questions in IELTS reading. Each passage has 3-4 different types of questions. Furthermore, you must have to prepare well for getting good bands. Practice a lot and read a lot. Practice all different types of questions for the preparation of IELTS reading. IELTS reading question types in order

Matching Headings

In this question type, the examiner will judge your abilities that how you discover the main idea of the passage. In question type of matching heading, you will face different types of heading and you are asked to find the correct heading for each passage.

Most of the headings are out of the passage, but you have to choose the correct one which is exact touching the passage. By this type of question, examiner will analyze the candidates how they differentiate between the main ideas and supporting sentences of the test. The main purpose is about understanding of general content of the passages.

Tips for matching headings questions

  • First of all, read all headings.
  • After it read the passages.
  • Find keywords while reading the passage.
  • Read first and last sentence with full attention.
  • Find similar words related to headings.
  • Answers will not be in sequence. So, do not follow sequence.

Matching information

In this type of question, you have to face different statements in the test and you are required to find related information, examples, reasons, or explanation from the passages provided in the reading test.

Tips for matching information question type

  • Read the instructions carefully.
  • Read the question statement carefully.
  • After reading the question statement, read the passages to find information.
  • Must note keywords.
  • Most of the time, you will not find exact word or statement in the passages.
  • Synonyms are most important. Must check synonyms in the text.

Matching features (IELTS Reading: All Types of Questions)

In this matching features types of question, you are required to find out the information from the passages to answer the questions asked in IELTS reading test. In this type of question, the examiner will evaluate that how you understand the supporting sentences of the passages in the test.

Let me tell you by example: you can face two students who completed two different projects provided by two unique personalities at college level in the question. You are now required to find the name of the two students, on which project they are working with whose two different personalities at which college of the city.

Tips for matching feature question type

  • Must keep in mind the synonyms.
  • Find the keywords in the text.
  • Pay attention to the facts, name, numbers etc.

Matching sentence Endings

In this type of question types, you have one half of the sentence in the question and you required to complete this sentence with the second half sentence from the list. The questions are in series, so the answer of the first question is before the second answer.

The main purpose for this type of question is to analyze the skill of finding specific information and understanding sentence.

Tips for Matching Sentence Endings

  • Read the first half of the sentence carefully.
  • Must understand the question properly.
  • Highlight keywords.
  • Ensure yourself that reading text make a sense.
  • Select appropriate second half of the sentence.
  • The answers will be in order.

Identify Information

Identify information is also one of the all 14 reading question types. In this type of questions, you have to identify information in the passages of the test. This type of question analyses the ability of how much you clearly understood the text and question. Synonyms are important while performing this type of questions.

You have to check the statement is true, false, not given. If the question statement is clearly visible in the passage and it is right, then you have to choose the box of true. If you find sentences opposite of the statement, its mean statement is given in the passage but it is false. If the statement is not available in the passages, then you have to choose not given box.

Tips for identification of information

  • Understand the statement properly.
  • Read the passage with full of attention to answer the questions.
  • True mean the information is available in the passage and it is correct.
  • False mean the information is present is not correct.
  • Not given mean the information is not available in the passages.
  • Follow the order of the questions in order to save the time because the questions are in order.

Multiple choice questions

In this type of questions reading, you have different choices to answer in which one will be right answer and other will be wrong. There are three types of multiple questions of IELTS reading.

  • Choose the right answer from four choices (A, B, C, or D)
  • Choose the right answer from five choices (A, B, C, D, E, or F)
  • Choose the right answer from seven choices (A, B, C, D, E, F, or G)

These are different styles of IELTS reading questions. These multiple-choice questions are quite easy than other question types.

Tips for multiple choice questions

  • Skimming and scanning type of reading is used in this portion to answer.
  • The questions will be in series, so follow the order of the questions.
  • Underline the keywords to find answers fast.
  • Do not leave any question, answer all questions.

Summary completion

Summary of a passage is provided in this type of reading question. You are required to complete the summary according to the passage. It is also one of the easy portions of the reading test.

Tips for summary completion

  • You must need to complete the summary according to the passages.
  • Use original words to write answers.
  • The answers follow the sequence of the passage.
  • Use skimming and scanning to write answers.
  • The answers required to error free from grammar.

Diagram label completion

In this type of question, you have to complete the diagram according to the passage provided in the test. Read the passages carefully and fill the blanks as per passage description. The answers in this portion do not come in sequence.

Most important to keep in mind, must follow instructions. While labeling the diagram, label it as per as instructions. For example, if you are asked to write two words, it means just two words, not three or four words. Otherwise, you will lose marks.

Tips for labelling diagram

  • Firstly, read the diagram.
  • After it read the passage carefully.
  • Find keywords that are related to the diagram.
  • Read questions and put answers.
  • Do not fear if your diagram looks complicated.

Sentence completion (IELTS Reading: All Types of Questions)

Sentence completion is one of the types of IELTS reading. In this type of question, you have to complete the sentence according to the passages provided in the test. Instructions are important to keep in mind.

Tips for sentence completion

  • Must follow instructions.
  • Do not cross limits.
  • Have good command on grammar and vocabulary.

Identify writer’s views or claims

In this type of question, while identifying writer’s views you are required to put the answers by yes, no or not given. It is necessary to note the concept of yes, no and not given.

If the statement is available in the passage that means yes and if statement is opposite means no, and if statement is not available in the test that means not given.

Tips for identifying writer’s views

  • Read the statement first and understand carefully.
  • Find keywords in the text related to the statement.
  • Find exact information and finalize to tick the answer.

Short question answers

In this type of short question answers, the questions will be factual. So, the answers are also fact based. You have to write answer in short. Instructions are important to note. If you are asked to write five words that means do not cross limit. Otherwise, you will lose your marks.

Tips for short question answers

  • First read the questions.
  • Identify the fact, which type of question is.
  • Find keywords.
  • Scan the passage and find related information.
  • Answers are in order.

Flow chart

The question type of flow chart is also relating with diagram completion and table completion. This type of question of IELTS reading is difficult. Because the structure of this question type is confusing.

Tips for flow chart

  • It takes more time than others.
  • Have good command on grammar.
  • Have good command on vocabulary.
  • Must acknowledged with the paraphrasing.

Note completion

In this question type, you will be given a passage and statements with empty spaces. You have to fill empty spaces with correct answers. You have to read the passages of the test by skimming and put answers to the blank spaces.

Tips for note completion

  • Read the passage carefully.
  • Use skimming for reading.
  • Identify keywords to put answers on the blank spaces.
  • Must check it again for grammar errors.

Table completion

In this question type, you will face a table in which blank gaps need to fill. You have to read the passage and find required information by scanning. When you find first gap, others become easy to find.

Tips for table completion

  • Read the content of table carefully.
  • Instructions are important to follow.
  • Skim read the passage and find required information.
  • Write the answer according to the passage.
  • Your answers must be grammatical error free.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about IELTS Reading Question Types

There are 14 different types of questions in the IELTS reading test

About 3-4 types of questions are come from each passage

The total 40 numbers of questions are asked. These questions are consisting of different types of questions such as: true false, sentence completion, flow chart and table completion etc.

There are 3 lengthy passages in IELTS reading test?

IELTS reading test is difficult due to time management. If you can manage your time, it is easy for you to cover it in a limited time.

The portion of flow chart is most difficult because the layout of this portion is very confusing and take a lot of time for understanding

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