IELTS Pie Chart

IELTS Pie Chart: Writing Task 1 Pie Chart Tips

IELTS pie chart is question types in IELTS writing module. In order to write an answer, it is helpful for you to have a good understand about IELTS writing task 1 chart tips. Follow these tips to get high band in writing task 1.

The following 12 tips lead you in the best way to write an answer report for pie chart.

Understand and identify key information after reading the question

Read the instructions first. Then, it’s turn to move on to the question statement. Understand the question statement, and recognize key information from pie chart. There are different portions in the pie chart; understand each fluctuation. By doing this, you will get to know that what to do and how to do while describing an IELTS pie chart for getting good bands.

Summary of IELTS Pie Chart

IELTS is a language test in which pie chart is also one the question types. You have to explain the features of pie chart. To accomplish good bands in the question type of pie chart, you are required to follow the tips of pie chart that are provided in the blog. These 12 tips for IELTS pie chart are helpful in terms to present your level of best in the answer report of IELTS pie chart. Therefore, follow these tips and crack the nut of IELTS writing.

Arrange the data properly

When you analyze the question statement and pie chart, it is time to pick up the main points and make the best plan to write for describing an IELTS chart question type. Always keep in mind the instructions of chart while planning an answer report for IELTS pie chart.

Follow a recommended structure

The structure to write an answer in the question type of it consists of three components:

  • Introduction
  • Overview
  • Detailed body paragraphs

Your answer must follow the above format to get good scores in IELTS writing task 1 pie chart. The mentioned structure is not only for pie chart, but it is recommended for all-question types of IELTS academic writing task 1.

Pen it a better introduction

The introduction is the first step of answer report in order to describe pie chart. You have to write 1 – 2 sentences in the paragraph of introduction. First thing to write an introduction is that what the question is about and the second thing is about time period.

Paraphrase the question statement in the introduction. Change the sentence structure and use synonyms in place of exact words in introduction paragraph.

Sketch out information in the overview paragraph by applying a précis technique

It is the second step of the answer in IELTS pie chart. In the overview paragraph, you need to sum up the key features of the pie chart. You do not have to write all points; just need to mention main features. You have to mention biggest and smallest portions of the pie chart, and if there is any stable portion, provide in the overview.

Describe detailed discussion in main body paragraphs

I recommend to write two main body paragraphs and split the information of the pie chart in two segments and write these segments in those two body paragraphs following a sequence. By following this procedure, you will get good scores in IELTS academic writing task 1 pie chart.

Use appropriate vocabulary

As IELTS pie chart is in writing module in which it is analyzed that how you understand and present ideas in the written format. In the writing module, it is important to get strong knowledge of vocabulary. If you have wide range of vocabulary, you can present well about the key features and comparisons of pie chart. Therefore, practice your level best to write an effective answer report for it.

Specifically, the most of the usage of vocabulary relates to present the percentages and proportions in the case of pie chart. Therefore, use different words to describe the percentages or fractions in the answer report of it.

Avoid adding irrelevant or extra information

You are not allowed to write a different information in the answer. You have to write to the point and do not write irrelevant or any other point which is not included in the pie chart.

Use tense according to the question

You are required to write the answer report in a correct tense. Write your answer in the same tense in which question is presented.

Manage your time

You have 20 minutes to solve the pie chart question, it is same time duration for the all of the question types of IELTS academic writing task 1. If you have good practice of pie charts, you can easily manage your time. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to manage time.

Practice a lot

By practicing the pie charts in your preparation time, you will get more familiarization about the pie charts. By doing this, you will get to know the strategies and difficulties that are faced in the practice. Therefore, practice pie charts and try to solve the question in 15 minutes in order to manage the time in the test.

Do not add personal opinion

One of the other points to remember in terms of pie chart tips is that you are not permitted to write your personal opinion in the answer report while describing an IELTS pie chart. As the pie chart is a fact-based question in which you just have to explain the terms that are mentioned in the pie chart.

In a nutshell of Writing Task 1 Pie Chart Tips

Pie chart is a question type in which you are required to explain the features of the pie chart. Therefore, IELTS writing task 1 pie chart tips help a lot to explain pie chart as well as for getting good bands in IELTS writing task 1.

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