IELTS Listening Sentence Completion
In the sentence completion question, you have to make a complete sense of the question to fill the gaps. For this purpose, you will take specific information from the audio sections and give most possible or relevant answer to the missing words.
Remember, you can take this IELTS test on computer based or paper based, choice is yours. Both are same, there is no major difference in exam pattern, format, and question type or difficulty level. To get higher scores, you must practice and know everything about the test. In this article, you will learn about:
- IELTS listening sentence completion intro
- How to answer IELTS listening sentence completion question?
- Tips before you listen
- Tips while you listen
IELTS listening sentence completion intro
In the sentence completion question, you will need to complete the gap of sentence with a short answer. It means that you will listen to words from the audio recording in the text and fill up all missing words in the sentences. These blanks can be in the start, end or within the sentence. This thing will not only allow you to fill up the gap but also make the sentence complete or well-structured for the listening test.
How to answer IELTS listening sentence completion question?
By following step by step process, you can easily get high bands in the IELTS listening sentence completion test. These are:
Read the sentences with care
This is the first and most important step in the IELTS sentence completion test. You must prepare yourself for the test and its question types. You are required to read the sentences before listening to the audio. You need to read question within 10 to 20 seconds. Reading the information will also allow you to get high bands as you like.
Underline the keywords
Underlining the keywords to find answers is crucial in the sentence completion test. If you answer within 2 or 3 or ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in words it is not considered good. It is necessary to give answer by using effective writing. After reading the sentences, you are able to take specific information in the test. For this purpose, highlight the main words and try to answer in easy way.
Understand grammar
You need to understand grammar; it will be beneficial in the test. If you do any grammar or spelling mistake, you can lose marks in the sentence completion test. It is not only important for the summary completion test, it is also crucial part of the sentence completion. You need to pay attention to that sentence which is incomplete and fill the gap with correct answer.
Check your answer
After putting answer to the final sheet, you should read the answer again. You must attentively listen at 30 minutes and answer the question and 10 more minutes are given to you to transfer or check your answer. This thing will help to you to check answer or getting high marks in the sentence completion test.
Be accurate
You need to be accurate for the listening test. Many candidates make silly mistakes in the test and lose bands in the sentence completion. Keep it in your mind that someone is checking or judging you completely through the test. Don’t make any minor mistake while putting answers to the answer sheet. However, you can put answers in capital words to maintain neatness or effectiveness.
Make a chart
In this last step, you listen to the recordings. For this purpose, making notes is a good idea. Try to use correct grammar, spellings or well-structured sentences for getting more marks in the sentence completion test. Remember, information or answers of the questions are essential to follow same order.
To get more information, read the article IELTS Listening tips and tricks.
Tips before you listen
Following tips will help you before you listen to the audio script:
- Read the instructions which are given into the booklet.
- Don’t write more or less required words.
- Think about grammar which enhance or complete the sentence accurately.
- To underline keywords, you will easily develop answer later.
- Think of synonyms which you may listen to in the audio.
- Taking more relevant information will help you in effective writing and also higher bands in the IELTS listening test.
Tips while you listen
These tips will be fruitful for you while listening to the audio recordings. These are:
- To answer one by one is considered crucial.
- By using synonyms or paraphrasing technique, you will be able to take more bands in the IELTS test.
- Remember, you can also write answers in the capital letters.
- Don’t change the word you hear in the recording.
- Don’t leave any question.
- Don’t cross the limit of the required words.