IELTS Academic vs IELTS General
IELTS Academic vs IELTS General Training: IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is a test used as an English Proficiency Certificate for English speaking countries. “What is IELTS?” is in the minds of so many students interested to go abroad. Its answer is that IELTS helps to work, study or immigrate to the country where English is used as a native language.
Most of the new aspirants are confused to choose that which one is right option for us, or which category is fruitful in the future? They do not know the difference between IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training. So, do not worry; I am here to tell you the difference between both of these tests.
There are two categories of IELTS:
- IELTS Academic
- IELTS General Training
An individual can choose one of them according to his goal. IELTS General training is required, if he wants to go to English speaking country for work. While IELTS Academic is required, when an individual wants to go to any chosen country for study. The organization where you plan to study or work, it is compulsory for you to check before the preparation and registration for test.
Why IELTS General Training test?
Take IELTS General Training if you want to:
- Study below level of degree
- Immigrate in English speaking countries
- Work in English speaking countries
- Or get another job in your own country where English proficiency certificate is required.
Why IELTS Academic Test?
Take IELTS Academic Training if you want to:
- Study at undergraduate or postgraduate level
- Work in professional organizations
- Apply for Student Route Visa (Tier 4)
Student Route Visa is now replaced by Tier 4 Visa. It is for adult students who want to study higher level of education in United Kingdom (UK).
Difference of contents between IELTS Academic and GT
There are four modules in IELTS Academic and General Training: Must know about (IELTS Academic vs IELTS General Training)
IELTS Academic Reading Test (IELTS Academic vs IELTS General Training)
The IELTS Academic Reading Test contains three sections and all the sections contain long passages of text. It may be fact-based and descriptive. Mostly these are research articles having advance vocabulary and complex sentence structures.
The test duration for reading test is 60 minutes, but no extra time is allowed to shift your answers to the separate answer sheet. The best strategy to avoid embarrassment during reading test is to transfer the answers after the completion of each passage. By doing so, you will be in the safer zone, and will be more confident, as you know that you are fulfilling the task simultaneously.
IELTS General Reading Test
The IELTS General Reading Test contains three sections. The first section of IELTS General Reading contains two or three short texts. The second section has two short texts. While the last section contains a large text that is about general topic.
IELTS Academic Writing Test
The IELTS Academic writing contains two tasks- writing task 1 and task 2. Total time duration to complete both tasks is 60 minutes. I would suggest you to spend just 20 minutes to complete the task 1, as it has 3 bands. While task 2 is highly scoring part i.e., 6 bands, so spend remaining 30 minutes to complete task 2.
Write at least 150 words for task 1 and 250 words for task 2, but through my experience, I recommend you to write 20 to 30 words more than the limit. In this way, if you commit any mistakes, your word count limit will not be under length.
Moreover, use 10 minutes to proofread your writing, because you commit some mistakes regarding sentence structures, spelling, punctuation and expression.
IELTS General Writing Test (IELTS Academic vs IELTS General Training)
The IELTS General training also contains two tasks- writing task 1 and task 2. Total duration of time to complete both the tasks is one hour. In this test you can use personal, formal or informal writing in task 1. At least 150 words are required for task 1 while 250 words for task 2 having the same word count as is in academic writing.
Similarities of content between IELTS Academic and GT
In both IELTS Academic and General Training, the listening and speaking modules are same. There will be same tips for these modules in General as well as Academic.
IELTS Listening Test
IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training both tests have same listening. Listening test contains 4 recordings based on 40 questions. Recordings will be played just for once. So, be careful during listening. All questions will be in series. Time duration for this test is 30 minutes, while 10 minutes will be given to transfer the answers to the answer sheet.
During the transfer of answers, don’t do spelling mistaken, otherwise you will suffer regarding bands.
IELTS Speaking Test
IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training both tests are same for speaking test. Speaking is a face to face interview between examiner and candidate. The test duration is 11 to 14 minutes.
There are three parts in the test: the first portion is about introduction and interest of candidate; one specific topic is given to you in the second portion called as cue card because cues are written on the card, while the third portion is discussion based named as follow up questions.
4 Similarities of IELTS Academic and General (IELTS Academic vs IELTS General Training)
Time duration
Allocation of time for IELTS Academic and IELTS General is same. The writing tasks for both tests are identical carrying 60 minutes for task 1 and task 2.
Cohesion and coherence
Dear learner! Cohesion is verbal unity, while the unity of theme in writing is called coherence. Cohesion and coherence are very much essential to give the clarity and sense of your writing. Using cohesive devices such as conjunctions, pronouns and transitions make your writing simple and easy to understand. Because it will structure and connect your writing and beautify it.
Word Limit (IELTS Academic vs IELTS General Training)
The counting of words in both IELTS General and IELTS Academic in each task is 150 to 250. It is recommended word limit.
Grammar and vocabulary (IELTS Academic vs IELTS General Training)
In both IELTS General and IELTS Academic, grammar and vocabulary play an important role. In order to enhance proficiency in language, use correct grammar and wide range of vocabulary. Through this method, you impress the examiner.
Before registration, be sure which type of IELTS is required to you?

Frequently Asked Questions- IELTS Academic vs IELTS GT
Which IELTS test should I take?
It is totally based on the nature of your goal. If you want to study in English speaking country, you choose IELTS Academic. While if you want to work or immigrate to English speaking country, choose IELTS General Academic.
Is there different fee for IELTS Academic and General?
No! There is same fee for both tests in India, but little differs in Pakistan and also same in Bangladesh.
Is there any difference in band scores for IELTS General and IELTS Academic?
No! There is not any difference in band scores.
Which is easy to crack, IELTS General or IELTS Academic?
The level of difficulty of GT IELTS is less than Academic IELTS.
Compare IELTS exam with other exams
Normally, IELTS is easier than other exams. There is no pass or fail in exams. It totally depends on you how you use your English well.
Which IELTS takes more time to cover whole syllabus, IELTS General or IELTS Academic?
IELTS Academic is a little bit difficult than IELTS General Training.