
Application Form for IELTS UKVI and IELTS Life Skills

The Application Form for IELTS UKVI and IELTS Life Skills is your first step towards achieving your goals in the United Kingdom. This form helps you apply for two important English language tests, IELTS UKVI and IELTS Life Skills, which are required for various purposes, such as immigration, work, or family reunification.

Understanding IELTS UKVI

IELTS UKVI (UK Visa and Immigration) is a test for those who want to live, work, or study in the UK. This section of the form gathers your personal information, including name, contact details, and passport details. It also asks about your visa category and the type of test you need (e.g., Academic or General Training).

About IELTS Life Skills

IELTS Life Skills is a speaking and listening test specifically for immigration and family reunion purposes. In this part of the application form, you will provide information about your test level (A1 or B1) and your test date preference.

Test Accommodations and Special Requirements

If you have any special requirements, such as disability accommodations or additional support, this section allows you to request them. It’s essential to fill this part accurately to ensure a fair and comfortable test experience.

Payment Details

Here, you will provide payment information for the test fees. Make sure to verify the current fees and payment methods before filling out this section.

Declaration and Consent

In this final section, you will declare that the information provided is accurate and that you consent to the IELTS terms and conditions. Your signature here is crucial to complete the application process.

Completing the Application Form for IELTS UKVI and IELTS Life Skills accurately and honestly is the first step towards achieving your dreams in the UK. Double-check all the information before submission to avoid any delays or issues with your application. Good luck with your English language journey!

Answer Sheets

IELTS Listening Answer Sheet

IELTS Reading Answer Sheet

IELTS Writing Answer Sheet

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