82 Frequently Asked Questions about IELTS
As a starter of IELTS, you have so many questions and doubts in your mind that may be confusing you. Here I have made 82 frequently asked questions about IELTS listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Along with this, some frequently asked questions related to the basic differences between general and academic have also been discussed giving you all the basic information about IELTS.
Let us discuss these FAQs regarding IELTS one by one:

33 Frequently asked questions about IELTS Listening
Do General and Academic candidates take the same test or are there different listening tests?
IELTS listening test is same for both types of candidates (Academic& General).
How many sections are there in IELTS listening test?
There are 4 sections in IELTS listening test which consists of 40 questions.
How long is listening IELTS? or What is the duration of listening test?
The IELTS listening test contains 40 questions. You listen to them in 4 recordings and answer these questions in 30 minutes. At the end, your examiner gives you 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.
In how much time will I be able to listen to the recordings?
In IELTS listening test, there are 4 recording sections. You are bound to listen to these four recordings at once in 30 minutes.
Do I lose one band if my answer is wrong?
No. You do not lose a band for wrong answer, but you lose a point.
Will I have time to read questions before listening?
Yes. You can read your questions before listening. It depends on you that how you save your time to read your questions quickly and wisely.
Can I write on listening question paper?
Yes, you can write on listening question paper like as headings, underline words etc.
Can I have extra paper for making notes?
No. You cannot use the extra sheet for making notes.
Can I write all my answers in capital letters on my listening answer sheet?
Yes, you can write.
Should I use a pen or pencil in the listening test?
Only pencil is allowed to use and it is given by the examination department. You are not allowed to take your own material. But, now you can take your pencil which is like a pen and is quite comfortable in writing. All the material is provided by the examination department.
What accents will there be in listening test?
In IELTS listening test, you are to listen to 4 recordings in different English accents like as Australian, British and South African. You need to listen to different accents before your exams.
Are spellings important while transferring answers in the listening test?
Yes, because of your incorrect spellings, you have to suffer regarding bands in IELTS listening test. Keep this thing in your mind that your spellings are marked wrong in listening test.
How can I improve my listening?
You can refine your listening skills by doing exercises of IELTS listening tests from previous papers which are available on YouTube. You can also enhance your listening by watching English Movies and cartoons on YouTube. But, don’t watch English videos in Urdu, Hindi or any other language, because it will harm your listening skills.
How can I write a time 10 am or 10:00 am?
IELTS accepts all the forms of time in listening test like10 am, 10.00 am and 10.00 AM etc.
If I use all the capital letters in listening, do I need to do the same for reading?
You can use all the letters in the capital form in both listening and reading tests.
How many questions do I have to answer in the listening test?
You have to answer 40 questions in listening test. There are 4 recordings sections, each section consists of 10 questions.
How many times will the recordings be played?
Keep this thing in your mind that you are given 4 recordings to listen test just at once.
How are the scores calculated?
Your right answer gives you one point. Do not lose your point in any wrong answers.
How is the listening test marked?
IELTS listening local staff marks your paper by hand.
Do my answers have to be grammatically correct?
Yes, your answers in correct grammar impact on your test. You need to take attention on your test grammatically.
How can I quickly improve my score?
Through logic and accurate answers, you can instantly enhance your score. Watching English Movies and animated cartoons are beneficial for you to increase your Listening score in the test.
How many questions are asked in the listening test?
There are total 40 questions which are asked in IELTS listening test.
Are capital letters important?
No, for listening and reading test capitals letters do not matter; just proper nouns should have capital letters.
For example:
If the answer is ‘England’ and you write it in small letter England, you can still get point.
Can I choose English per my accent performance in listening module?
No, you cannot choose accent in listening test according to your wish. IELTS takes test in different English accents. You need to prepare yourself for these accents (Australian, British, American) etc.
What are the different types of questions asked in IELTS listening test module?
There are 4 types of question asked you on IELTS listening module.
- Short questions& Multiple choice questions
- Sentence completion
- Matching (maps, labels, diagram) etc.
- Tables, charts and notes
Do I get extra time to transfer my answers at the end of the recording?
Yes, you are given 10 minutes for transferring answers at the end of the recordings. You need to transfer your answers to the answer sheet carefully and completely.
Should I use American or British spelling?
There is no restriction for choosing British and American English. You are to choose only one style and follow it in your entire test.
What are the 3 main ways to listen?
These are main and most important ways to listen in IELTS listening test
- Critical listening
- Active listening
- Deep listening
What is the trick of IELTS listening?
These are some tips which can be beneficial for you to understand this test:
- Listen the 4 sections at once
- Read all the listening questions carefully
- Identify the answers completely
- Finish one section and move to another section
What is the most difficult part in IELTS listening?
There are mainly 4 sections of IELTS listening. But IELTS listening part 4 is very difficult.
How to attempt IELTS listening test?
These are some tips which can be proved beneficial for IELTS listening test.
- Prepare yourself to listen to different spoken accents (Australian, British and Ireland)
- Know about your mistakes
- Don’t lose your focus and concentration
- Follow all the listening instructions carefully
- Practice listening test to watch English movies and animated cartoons
- Prepare yourself for different kinds of questions
How to solve MCQs for listening?
In IELTS listening MCQs test, you need to find title. Find the key points from the question statement and options and then listen properly. You will find the exact answer.
How do you get 7.0 bands in IELTS listening test?
For taking 7.0 bands in IELTS, you need to answer at least 32 questions correctly. If you get it, you are considered very good test taker.
How can I score 9.0 in IELTS listening test?
To achieve 9.0 bands in IELTS listening test, you need to be prefect in your English language. Prepare yourself in a better way to listen 4 recordings which are in any NATIVE accent.

17 Frequently asked questions about IELTS Reading
How long is the IELTS reading test?
IELTS reading test is taken within 1 hour. You are not be given extra time to put your answers to the answers sheet.
How many passages are given in IELTS reading test?
3 passages are given in IELTS reading test. The IELTS reading test is not similar for both types of candidates (Academic& General), GT reading is bit easier than Academic IELTS reading.
What kinds of question are asked in IELTS reading test?
- Sentence completion
- Summary completion
- Multiple choice questions
- Short questions- one, two or three words
- Informative questions
What is the most difficult question in IELTS reading?
To find out, true or false in the given passages is too difficult and takes more time to solve this question.
How to identify keywords in IELTS reading?
Through skimming and scanning, you can find keywords easily.
What IELTS reading score is required for university entry?
Different universities require different scores. For IELTS reading test, you are to get at least 6 bands to enter in any University.
How are IELTS reading score calculated?
You are to attempt 40 questions which must be converted in IELTS bands score. These IELTS scores are calculated from 0 to 9 bands.
Can I use a dictionary in IELTS reading test?
No, you need to prepare yourself thoroughly to build your vocabulary and sentence structure. You should refine your guessing power to handle IELTS reading in the best possible way.
How much time should I spend on each question?
You are given 60 minutes to solve 40 questions. From my teaching experience, I suggest that you should spend 17 to 18 minutes to attempt one passage, and transfer the answers of one passage to the answer sheet.
Don’t wait to transfer all the answers in one attempt. Otherwise, you may face problem of time management and get panic at the end.
How much time should I spend in skimming each paragraph?
To answer these 3 reading passages is most important in IELTS reading test. You need to give 5 minutes to each paragraph.
Which should I read first: the passages or the questions?
It varies from question to question.
To attempt MCQs, you need to understand the statement, and then read the passage to find the answer. Don’t read the options, because is the wastage of time.
Fill in the blanks have the same strategy- read the question and the find the relevant point.
In handling true, false and not given or yes, no, and not given questions, read the question, and then find the suitable answer.
Make it sure that IELTS reading is the test of logic, critical thinking, understanding and common sense, not of just your knowledge.
What if I do not know an answer?
If you do not know the answer of any question, you need to attempt that question’s answer by reading the passage again. As there is no negative marking, you can guess the answer if you don’t know it.
How important are spellings in the reading test?
Your accurate spellings are also checked in the reading test. For correct spelling, you need to focus on your vocabulary.
Is one allowed to write on the reading question paper?
Yes, you are allowed to write on the reading IELTS question paper.
How many questions are asked in the IELTS reading test?
In IELTS reading test, there are 40 questions.
What is the total time duration of the IELTS reading test?
There are total 60 minutes for IELTS reading test.
How are the score calculated?
You are given 1 point for every correct answer. Then these points are converted into bands.

18 Frequently asked questions about IELTS Speaking
What is the IELTS Speaking test?
IELTS speaking test is a discussion between the candidate and the examiner at least 11 to 14 minutes. It has 3 parts which are same for both candidates (Academic & General). Part 1 is introductory carrying 1 band; part 2 is cue card carrying 6 bands; part 3 is follow up questions carrying 2 bands.
Your task response, lexical resource, grammatical range, pronunciation, stress pattern (word stress & sentence stress), natural flow and confidence decide your bands in IELTS speaking test.
Is speaking same for both IELTS academic and general?
Yes. IELTS speaking test is same for both candidates (General& Academic). There is no difference between the two.
What do I need for IELTS speaking test?
You need to bring out your passport or original identity card. Your identity is checked properly before entering into the examiner’s room.
Are questions repeated in IELTS speaking test part 1?
Yes, most of the questions are repeated by the examiners in IELTS speaking part 1.
How can I get 7.5 bands or more than this in IELTS speaking test?
You can achieve these bands by following these helpful tips:
- Practice to speak English with others in a natural way
- Ask the examiner if you don’t understand
- Give the examiner complete answer
- Overcome your mistakes
Is eye contact important in IELTS speaking test?
Yes, your body language and eye contact with your examiner are most important.
How can I get 7.0 bands in IELTS speaking test?
For getting 7 bands, you need to answer 30 to 32 questions correctly. The best way to prepare for this test is practice.
There are how many parts of IELTS speaking test?
There are 3 parts of IELTS speaking test.
- Introductory questions
- Cue card
- Follow up questions
What happens in the IELTS speaking test?
IELTS speaking is a discussion between the IELTS candidate and the examiner. IELTS speaking test has 3 parts which are taken on the same day to assess your ability of speaking.
How many accents do you need to listen in IELTS speaking test?
Your examiner can ask you questions in any accent. You need to practice Australian, Ireland and the British accents as much as is possible. But, in my opinion, you should have mastery in one accent which is sufficient to get high bands in IELTS speaking test.
Can IELTS speaking questions be repeated?
Yes, you can ask the question again to the examiner in the IELTS speaking test.
How can I get 6.0 bands in IELTS speaking test?
To get 6 bands, you need to enhance your fluency, natural way of speaking, cohesion and coherence. Correct sentence structure is important for getting IELTS speaking test.
How do IELTS examiners mark speaking?
IELTS examiner assesses you on the basis of these criteria:
- Strong Vocabulary
- Sentence structures
- Coherence,
- Fluency
- Pronunciation
What if I fail in my IELTS speaking test?
You need to reappear in IELTS test after doing full preparation.
Who give marks in IELTS speaking test?
Your examiner who conducts the IELTS speaking test marks the test. At the end of the 3 parts of IELTS speaking test, your examiner decides your marks.
How can I impress the examiner during IELTS speaking test?
The examiner wants to judge your ideas and thoughts completely. You need to express your feelings in a natural way by exhibiting your full confidence.
What happens if I don’t speak for 2 minutes in IELTS speaking part 2(cue card)?
Don’t worry, your examiner interrupts you.
Can I do all parts of speaking test on the same day?
Yes, all three parts of IELTS speaking test are taken on the same day.
Which speaking part of IELTS is easy?
IELTS speaking part 1 is quite easy and short for both candidates (General& Academic). In this part, your examiner asks you questions about your name, hometown and hobbies etc.

14 Frequently asked questions about IELTS Writing
How many tasks are of IELTS writing?
There are 2 tasks of IELTS writing: task 1 and task 2. Task 2 is same for both IELTS GT and Academic, while task 1 is letter or application for GT and description of chart, graph, table, process, or map etc.
Is writing test same for both types of IELTS candidates?
No, writing task 1 is different for both type of candidates (Academic& General), but IELTS writing task 2 is same.
How long does IELTS writing test take?
IELTS writing test is taken in 60 minutes.
Can I prepare for IELTS writing in 2 days?
No, all the experts and IELTS instructors advise candidates to prepare this exam before 3 to 6 weeks. 3 to 6 weeks are enough to prepare you for IELTS writing exam.
How can I get 8.5 bands in IELTS writing test?
You can get 8.5 bands in IELTS by following these tips
- You need to write task 1 and task 2 everyday.
- Analyze your mistakes
- Give 1 to 2 hours to IELTS writing
- Practice using complex and compound sentence structures
Should I write a conclusion in IELTS writing task 1?
No, you aren’t needed to find conclusion in IELTS writing task 1.
Do I need to compare and contrast data in each body paragraph?
No. You don’t need to do it in every body paragraph.
Can I take more than 20 minutes in IELTS writing task 1?
Yes, you can take more than 20 minutes to solve IELTS writing task 1, but I suggest you to take less than 20 minutes on task 1 as its weightage is 3 bands. Give more time to task 2 which has 6 bands, and do spare 10 minutes to proofread your both writing tasks to minimize your mistakes.
Is the general training task 1 marked in the same way as the academic task 1?
No, both tasks are marked differently in IELTS writing test.
How many types of questions are in IELTS academic writing task 1?
There are many important types of questions are in IELTS academic writing task 1. To elaborate charts, line graphs, maps and diagrams in writing task 1 are considered task 1 essential types.
Are IELTS writing questions are repeated?
No, your examiner doesn’t repeat questions.
What are the most common IELTS writing task 1 questions?
To elaborate, compare and contrast tables, pie charts and bar charts etc. are the most common questions in IELTS writing task 1.
What are the important things in IELTS writing academic task 1?
For preparing IELTS writing task 1, you need to give importance to paragraphing, overviewing and giving details by using comparison and contrast. There is no need to write conclusion.
What are the common mistakes in IELTS writing tasks?
- Incorrect spelling mistakes
- Sentence structure is not correct
- Incorrect test format of IELTS writing task
- Not sufficient paragraphs
- Task response is not satisfactory
- Word count is less than the requirement
- How can I improve my IELTS writing tasks?
- Understand the purpose of writing i.e., task response
- Make an outline
- Appropriate diction
- Compound and complex sentence structures
- proofreading