12 Tips to Prepare IELTS at Home
Many students join academy or coaching classes to crack the nut of IELTS (International English Language Testing System). Many other aspirants are there who cannot afford academy or coaching classes. They are sometimes worried about their preparation.
But now relax, I am here to tell you 12 tips to prepare IELTS at home through which you can easily prepare IELTS at home within one month, even in 15 days without any formal coaching and crack the nut of IELTS. These tips are quite impressive even for the beginners, and you can apply these techniques both for GT and Academic IELTS.
Understand the test format
Before preparation the IELTS (International English Language Testing System), it is an essential to understand the test format of IELTS and IELTS Learning. But, the first step is to know the structure.

IELTS has four modules:
There are two ways to conduct the test of IELTS:
- On paper
- On computer
Because knowing the format of test makes you confident to counter the challenges.
Make a proper study plan
Establish a proper study plan to crack IELTS. Because without planning and making time table will take you into the ditch of laziness. One more important thing is to tell “No”, if somebody asks you to do any work during your study time; say NO plainly, with honor and respect. It is compulsory for you to do study, not to do any irrelevant thing during study time.
Improve writing skills
Writing is one of the main sections of IELTS. Writing can be improved by practicing daily. Write daily, if you want to master your writing. If you know anything which is very minor, then, write about it. Write even your yesterday’s activities. Continuous practice makes you better. Writing with consistency is a step to improve it.
Here is the link how to write in IELTS
Work on vocabulary
One of the most useful points for students is to improve vocabulary. Vocabulary is a long term process. You cannot improve it in a day or week, it takes time to learn new words and to practice. A student can pick any newspaper or magazine to practice vocabulary. You can find tips to improve vocabulary by following this link. https://ajmaldassjaipal.com/ielts-vocabulary/.
Reading with attention and picking up new words are a simple method to improve vocabulary. The main tip to improve vocabulary is to memorize words with context.
Enhance listening skills
Proper method to enhance listening skills plays an important role in IELTS preparation. Listening is also one of the modules in IELTS. Listening skills can be improved by practicing daily. Download IELTS listening applications and practice every day. And feedback is also necessary. Join any mentor or friend who is expert in this field and practice with him once a day.
During paper, it is important for you to make yourself pro-active. Because recording is played just for one time during the listening test, and you need to answer all questions. All questions are in series; if you miss one question, do not waste time in missed question; just focus on the next one. In this way, you can get your desired bands.
Record your mock speaking test
It is also interesting element to record the speech. First of all, find your speaking partner online or at home who can practice with you. You can both become examiner and candidate. Find out each other’s mistakes and improve them. By this method, you can easily improve speaking skills helping you to perform at the best level in IELTS speaking test.
Fluency & pronunciation
Fluency takes an important place in IELTS speaking which means speaking with natural flow in a relaxed way. Practicing daily and using cue cards (a card in which cues or hints are given for speaking and you have to continuously speak for two minutes, but keep in mind that one minute is given to prepare that cue card).
Pronunciation means how a word is pronounced in a proper way imitating the native speakers. For example, no, know and now have different pronunciation and should be spoken in their exact pronunciation to get highest bands in IELTS.
Here are few tips to improve speaking sub areas:
- Watch English movies and talk shows as much as possible.
- Download IELTS speaking applications in your phone and use it consistently.
- Daily practice speaking with your physical or virtual partner.
- While doing the practice of IELTS speaking test, be extravagant and energetic.
Develop your reading skills with care
A good reader is a good writer. By reading you can improve your reading skills as well as writing skills. Read newspapers, magazines, blogs, books or much more. Read anything you have in English. Reading develops your knowledge.
Stay positive and consistent
It is an important factor for aspirants of IELTS to stay positive and consistent. Staying positive creates positive vibes in your body to do more and stay happy without losing confidence. If you are positive, you can face all types of troubles regarding your topic. Additionally, consistency motivates you to do better.

Sometimes, you might face negativity in any shape, but having positive impetus fills your mind and heart with positivity in no time. Along with this, remember a very motivating line that you are going somewhere, not stuck at one place.
Online IELTS training
It is a good option particularly for those who are preparing IELTS at home. Aspirants can join any online trainings regarding to IELTS. They can join podcasts, webinars, online workshops and many other things to perform yourself best.
There may be free seminars and workshops that can be easily accessible for aspirants who want to polish their preparation. In these types of seminars and workshops, expertise share their level of best regarding the topic. One more important thing is that you can clear your all doubts in these types of programs.
Keep distractions away
Distractions are the part of life, and there will be distractions which you have to face during the preparation of IELTS test. But it is also your test that how you counter these distractions. Especially in listening module, you can face distractions. So be confident and overcome all types of distractions.
One more thing that if you face any “No or Sorry” during listening that means there may be another word which is coming up to correct the first. Mostly in listening the traps occur in numbers, so be careful when you hear number. Overall, always listen very carefully to overcome traps.
Seek feedback
Feedback plays an important role in preparing IELTS at home. Any aspirant can get their best on feedback. By this you can analyze yourself and design the way forward. Feedback is taken by any teacher, mentor or friend who is expert regarding this field. By feedback you can improve and motivate yourself towards the journey of success in the game of IELTS.
In a nutshell-12 tips to prepare IELTS at home
Follow these 12 tips to prepare IELTS at home without any formal coaching, and be successful.